Sunday, February 21, 2010

My arrival at Incheon Airport.
 A few friends I made after going to a beautiful Korean bar named Cheers.
 THIS is the size of ALL beer in Korea! Korea is STRONG!!
These are our Class Leaders, Jinny and Mike, giving us a tour of the campus.
These women are a Korean drum dancing group. This was during the opening ceremony.
One of the Class Leaders performing a Fan Dance, which is part of not only Korea's tradition but Jeonju's particularly.
Half of the building we dorm in (the other half being Star Tower of the first pictures I posted). This building is where we eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, all for free. 
Typical class day for us. These teachers are waiting outside the building before class starts.
This is just a small glimpse of downtown Jeonju, near Gu Jeon Moon. The streets of this city have a lot of character and personality. This is one of the backstreets, where you can find many restaurants, street food, and bars.
Me in a coffee shop with my roommate, Julian, on the far right, and our friend Stewart.


  1. Hi Joey,

    Wow, the airport is pretty modern. You certainly didn't look scared at the airport. I guess you were a lot happier once the others arrived. Social life seems to be alive and well given the size of the beer. Your Dad said you were going to lose some baby fat on this trip. I don't think that's going to happen since you appear to be adapting well to strong beer, coffee in a can and pickled cabbage.


  2. Oh the beer is really weak here. Like Bud Light or something similar.
