Monday, March 29, 2010

Random picture of downtown.
Corona Bar in downtown Gumi.
Presents that teachers gave me for my birthday. The top one my teacher made herself. It's replica Hanbok, or traditional Korean dress. Koreans still wear Hanbok today at weddings, sometimes for the reception.
A gift from the art department. No comment.
This weekend, I went to Busan for my birthday and to visit my friend Kelly. She was one of my college roommates and she is from Long Island.
This is a picture of Haeundae Beach in Busan. The hill in the background is called Dalmagi Hill. It's a rich area (high property value) of Busan, and it's where Kelly lives.
Here is the most delicious galbi I have ever eaten, in probably the best galbi/samgyupsal restaurant in Busan. Galbi means "rib" in Korean, and samgyupsal is usually strips of fatty pork. These restaurants are the most common Korean restaurants and the cheapest, best food you can ever eat. As you can see, you cook your own meat and vegetables. Then you wrap the good stuff in a leaf and put the whole thing in your mouth. I don't know why I don't show more pictures of food, they get me so excited!
Me and Kelly at the restaurant. She really cant stop doing the "peace sign" when she poses for a picture. Seriously, she has that problem! (j/k, i <3 you)
 The picture was taken from a swanky private "norebang" room (karaoke room). Kelly, two of her friends, and I were there from 5-7am, so we got to see the sunrise over Haeundae beach.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Belated Birthday Joey! Love the gift from the Art dept. Hehehe!
